
dj_msgk さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2389件
曲名 難易度 ▲ Lv EX Score MAX- %
Prayer(ぺのれり) EXH 18 5904 -55 99.08%
GEOMETRIA EXH 18 6070 -91 98.52%
You Know-SDVX EDIT- EXH 16 4771 -22 99.54%
ANTI THE∞HOLiC EXH 17 5834 -16 99.73%
FLügeL《Λrp:ΣggyØ》 EXH 18 6454 -134 97.97%
Angelic Jelly EXH 16 4839 -26 99.47%
Grand Chariot EXH 16 5528 -15 99.73%
DIABLOSIS::Nāga EXH 17 5842 -12 99.8%
Triple Counter EXH 17 6774 -30 99.56%
NEO TREASON EXH 16 6385 -46 99.28%
Lord=Crossight EXH 17 5726 -41 99.29%
eastward -sdvx edit- EXH 16 5149 -25 99.52%
Voynich:Manuscript EXH 17 5975 -29 99.52%
0=Xerostrumental= EXH 17 5790 -31 99.47%
Halcyon EXH 17 6324 -52 99.18%
The End of War EXH 17 6391 -38 99.41%
Celestial stinger EXH 16 4753 -42 99.12%
B.B.K.K.B.K.K. EXH 17 5122 -15 99.71%
akasha-assembly EXH 17 5183 -12 99.77%
Ok!! Hug Me EXH 16 5554 -28 99.5%
ゲキツイムラサ EXH 17 5869 -25 99.58%
善悪の頂にある真実 EXH 13 3856 -21 99.46%
Solitude & Nightmare EXH 16 4797 -26 99.46%
Discover the Life EXH 16 5434 -25 99.54%
ancient garden EXH 16 3871 -34 99.13%