
dj_msgk さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2389件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score ▲ MAX- %
無魎大数 MXM 18 7308 -66 99.1%
Growth Memories GRV 19 7313 -108 98.54%
REDO the NIGHT GRV 18 7320 -46 99.38%
Redshift 2nd Ignition MXM 19 7322 -302 96.04%
Elemental Creation EXH 17 7332 -20 99.73%
REGALIA EXH 17 7332 -40 99.46%
Sweet Requiem MXM 18 7333 -48 99.35%
幻想のサテライト HVN 18 7338 -138 98.15%
XXanadu#climaXX MXM 18 7343 -79 98.94%
Brave Power Leader 《 = Voltage = 》 MXM 18 7345 -37 99.5%
翠雨の祷 MXM 18 7349 -52 99.3%
LegenD. EXH 18 7353 -52 99.3%
Ex concordia felicitas MXM 18 7355 -28 99.62%
LastΩmegA MXM 18 7356 -57 99.23%
ホワイトパレード MXM 18 7357 -107 98.57%
XHAOS JUDGE EXH 18 7357 -156 97.92%
Innocent Tempest VVD 19 7369 -124 98.35%
StellarflightS MXM 18 7371 -48 99.35%
Afterimage d'automne MXM 17 7371 -41 99.45%
Dreadnought MXM 18 7371 -149 98.02%
Cuz we <3 this Game MXM 19 7372 -346 95.52%
Wings to fly high MXM 18 7372 -154 97.95%
* Erm, could it be a Spatiotemporal ShockWAVE Syndrome...? MXM 20 7375 -526 93.34%
eighth-slave MXM 18 7379 -54 99.27%
Corrupting Wonderland MXM 18 7384 -52 99.3%