
rins4n さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1627件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▲ EX Score MAX- %
Midnight City Warfare MXM 18 6543 -63 99.05%
†渚の小悪魔ラヴリィ~レイディオ† MXM 18 6712 -45 99.33%
PANIC HOLIC GRV 18 5631 -75 98.69%
D.I.X. MXM 18 6748 -208 97.01%
Max Burning!! INF 18 7172 -68 99.06%
Blossom MXM 18 6678 -10 99.85%
ファイナルレター MXM 18 7093 -28 99.61%
Divine's or Deal MXM 18 7051 -56 99.21%
Catch Our Fire! MXM 18 7144 -42 99.42%
Absurd Gaff GRV 18 6027 -57 99.06%
ENDGAME MXM 18 6071 -95 98.46%
MURASAME MXM 18 5451 -142 97.46%
graduation MXM 18 8279 -70 99.16%
Ice Fortress MXM 18 7587 -27 99.65%
Onigo HVN 18 5746 -116 98.02%
The EXworld of sound MXM 18 7417 -45 99.4%
Hello, Hologram MXM 18 9293 -53 99.43%
Marielle MXM 18 7231 -28 99.61%
Scat Jazz Dance MXM 18 4947 -133 97.38%
VILE CAT EXH 18 7948 -82 98.98%
werewolf howls. EXH 18 6823 -46 99.33%
Initiating League MXM 18 6692 -12 99.82%
灼ナル刃、破カヰ譜 MXM 18 6238 -51 99.19%
パーフェクトイーター MXM 18 6985 -117 98.35%
最果ての勇者にラブソングを MXM 18 5873 -167 97.24%