
katehen さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1079件
曲名 ▲ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
VΛZiLiSQ EXH 17 6032 -43 99.29%
VΛZiLiSQ MXM 19 8315 -123 98.54%
WHITEOUT MXM 20 9012 -338 96.39%
WHITEOUT EXH 18 7571 -97 98.74%
WICKeD CRφSS MXM 17 5126 -31 99.4%
WILD FIRE MXM 17 4896 -19 99.61%
WINNING ROAD MXM 18 6401 -166 97.47%
WONDER_WOBBLER MXM 17 6417 -30 99.53%
WWW MXM 17 4594 -8 99.83%
Warriors Aboot EXH 18 6168 -56 99.1%
We Are All The Dreamer MXM 18 4609 -19 99.59%
Welcome to the Mosh Pit MXM 18 6102 -47 99.24%
Whip☆Drip MXM 17 5976 -89 98.53%
White Stream MXM 18 7417 -150 98.02%
Wings of Glory MXM 18 7089 -62 99.13%
Wings to fly high MXM 18 7287 -239 96.82%
Wish upon Twin Stars EXH 17 6241 -50 99.21%
Wish upon Twin Stars GRV 18 7824 -142 98.22%
Witch in Sweetsland EXH 17 6807 -67 99.03%
World of Iris VVD 18 5516 -78 98.61%
World's end EXH 18 6185 -188 97.05%
XHAOS JUDGE EXH 18 7388 -125 98.34%
XHRONOXAPSULΞ MXM 20 6951 -532 92.89%
XHRONOXAPSULΞ EXH 18 6078 -172 97.25%