
november31 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2271件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- ▼ %
Gate of Atlantis EXH 15 4409 -54 98.79%
Wings of Glory MXM 18 7097 -54 99.24%
good high school INF 17 4312 -54 98.76%
Destined Marionette EXH 16 5958 -54 99.1%
レインボウ・フレーバー MXM 18 5928 -53 99.11%
AIM HIGHER MXM 18 5947 -53 99.12%
Air EXH 16 6138 -53 99.14%
petits fours MXM 18 7861 -53 99.33%
ULTRAVELOCITY MXM 18 6030 -53 99.13%
Prey MXM 18 6485 -53 99.19%
Theme of Ricerca MXM 18 5706 -53 99.08%
Cepheus MXM 18 7185 -53 99.27%
JEHANNEDARC EXH 18 7014 -53 99.25%
EMPIRE OF FLAME XCD 19 7437 -53 99.29%
Wish upon Twin Stars GRV 18 7913 -53 99.33%
バンブーソード・ガール EXH 17 6391 -53 99.18%
MURASAME MXM 18 5541 -52 99.07%
Never Ending Future MXM 18 7764 -52 99.33%
赫焉 EXH 17 7169 -52 99.28%
PHOTON BLAXT MXM 18 6405 -52 99.19%
AμreoLe ~for Triumph~ EXH 17 5484 -52 99.06%
#Namescapes MXM 18 5934 -52 99.13%
MXM 17 6286 -52 99.18%
CUTE-Reflection MXM 17 6712 -52 99.23%
Lowermost revolt MXM 18 6950 -52 99.26%