
november31 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2271件
曲名 ▲ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Impress(siqlo's Hi-Tech Veats) MXM 17 4450 -7 99.84%
In The Breeze EXH 16 3946 -17 99.57%
Inevitable Magic EXH 16 4615 -5 99.89%
Inevitable Magic MXM 18 6232 -13 99.79%
Initiating League EXH 16 4507 -17 99.62%
Initiating League MXM 18 6679 -25 99.63%
Inixia GRV 17 7308 -22 99.7%
Inixia EXH 16 5331 -14 99.74%
Innocent MXM 18 7772 -19 99.76%
Innocent EXH 16 6108 -7 99.89%
Innocent Azure MXM 18 6800 -25 99.63%
Innocent Azure EXH 16 5426 -14 99.74%
Innocent Floor EXH 17 6241 -34 99.46%
Innocent Tempest EXH 17 6754 -37 99.46%
Innocent Tempest VVD 19 7413 -80 98.93%
Inscape MXM 17 5993 -27 99.55%
Into The Madness MXM 17 4517 -14 99.69%
Invisible Bullets MXM 17 5513 -19 99.66%
Invisible Full Moon 古屋直雪 remix MXM 16 4523 -45 99.01%
Invitation from Mr.C XCD 19 6937 -178 97.5%
Invitation from Mr.C EXH 18 6749 -33 99.51%
Iridescent Clouds MXM 17 6085 -19 99.69%
Issen EXH 15 2531 -4 99.84%
It's a new day! MXM 16 4210 -11 99.74%
JACK -the KING Ki11ing- MXM 19 9037 -151 98.36%