
november31 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2271件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▲ EX Score MAX- %
水簾ノ調 MXM 18 7529 -23 99.7%
ばらんが!!!! MXM 18 5437 -65 98.82%
ホイホイ☆幻想ホロイズム MXM 18 6843 -26 99.62%
Air MXM 18 7789 -50 99.36%
世界の果てに約束の凱歌を -VOLTEX Mix- MXM 18 6938 -68 99.03%
Defining Future MXM 18 5545 -24 99.57%
儚キ戀ノ幻想譚 MXM 18 6376 -31 99.52%
MXM 18 7041 -88 98.77%
Breakin' Asia MXM 18 7204 -7 99.9%
Akzeriyyuth MXM 18 6210 -12 99.81%
Lunatic Sprinter MXM 18 6850 -44 99.36%
Turn the story MXM 18 6519 -100 98.49%
Beyond the BLUE MXM 18 5534 -58 98.96%
Chat perché MXM 18 6774 -31 99.54%
World of Iris VVD 18 5553 -41 99.27%
αρχη MXM 18 6607 -90 98.66%
PROVOES*PROPOSE <<êl fine>> GRV 18 6021 -130 97.89%
ZEИITH MXM 18 6759 -87 98.73%
Nostalgic Blood of the Strife MXM 18 7316 -38 99.48%
Snowmelt MXM 18 7643 -30 99.61%
Typhoon Craaash!! GRV 18 5533 -33 99.41%
ΣgØ EXH 18 8483 -32 99.62%
Cynical Joker MXM 18 7019 -76 98.93%
Cepheus MXM 18 7185 -53 99.27%
Stairway to the sun MXM 18 6454 -49 99.25%