
le1cht さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 598件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score ▼ MAX- %
Four Leaves MXM 17 5384 -201 96.4%
おはようからおやすみまでかまってポメポメ VVD 18 5380 -427 92.65%
逆月 EXH 17 5378 -279 95.07%
Theme of Ricerca MXM 18 5377 -382 93.37%
ローリンガール MXM 16 5375 -128 97.67%
Valanga(polysha Remix) MXM 18 5371 -810 86.9%
HAELEQUIN EXH 17 5370 -312 94.51%
Xb10r MXM 19 5367 -3114 63.28%
End to end EXH 18 5365 -628 89.52%
Beyond the BLUE MXM 18 5357 -235 95.8%
Barbless Ego GRV 18 5352 -307 94.58%
トマヨイ VVD 18 5345 -500 91.45%
cross the future EXH 17 5342 -194 96.5%
Grand Chariot EXH 16 5342 -201 96.37%
Your SOUL Is Mine VVD 18 5337 -387 93.24%
Destr0yer MXM 18 5335 -485 91.67%
ΩVERSOUL MXM 18 5335 -638 89.32%
éclair au chocolat GRV 17 5335 -209 96.23%
Royal Action MXM 17 5334 -470 91.9%
Defining Future MXM 18 5324 -245 95.6%
Opium and Purple haze GRV 18 5316 -124 97.72%
夏色DIARY -Summer Dazzlin' Vacation miX- EXH 17 5307 -321 94.3%
planetarium MXM 17 5297 -502 91.34%
World of Iris VVD 18 5295 -299 94.65%
OPEN MY GATE MXM 18 5295 -302 94.6%