
sp3000 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2290件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- ▼ %
The Formula MXM 18 7168 -164 97.76%
gigadelic -stance xxxx- EXH 17 5651 -164 97.18%
Xroniàl Xéro EXH 17 6590 -164 97.57%
perditus†paradisus EXH 17 6432 -164 97.51%
petits fours MXM 18 7751 -163 97.94%
Spirit of the Beast MXM 18 6530 -163 97.56%
Make Magic MXM 18 7437 -163 97.86%
snow storm -euphoria- EXH 17 6875 -163 97.68%
孤独の番人 HVN 18 5758 -163 97.25%
AA BlackY mix EXH 16 4920 -163 96.79%
天弓天華オトハナビ MXM 18 5904 -162 97.33%
Going My Future! MXM 18 5929 -162 97.34%
紅の剣舞 EXH 17 6327 -162 97.5%
ケロ⑨destiny HVN 17 5902 -162 97.33%
stellar rain MXM 18 5890 -162 97.32%
オルターエゴ MXM 17 6125 -161 97.44%
Destr0yer MXM 18 5659 -161 97.23%
Candy Colored Hearts EXH 17 6266 -161 97.49%
Ops:Code-Rapture- EXH 18 6499 -161 97.58%
Opium and Purple haze EXH 17 4947 -161 96.85%
ムーニャポヨポヨスッポコニャーゴ EXH 17 5805 -161 97.3%
S(TAR)²☆pistol MXM 18 7513 -161 97.9%
Rhapsody ⚙f Triumph EXH 17 7325 -160 97.86%
熱情のサパデアード MXM 17 5081 -160 96.95%
Dualive EXH 17 6433 -160 97.57%