
sp3000 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2290件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
ΣgØ EXH 18 8280 -235 97.24%
ΩVERFLOW MXM 18 7293 -276 96.35%
ΩVERFLOW EXH 16 5657 -95 98.35%
Quark MXM 17 6188 -110 98.25%
Ghost Family Living In Graveyard MXM 19 7933 -460 94.52%
Ghost Family Living In Graveyard EXH 17 7636 -148 98.1%
Sudden Visitor MXM 18 8447 -182 97.89%
Black Lotus MXM 18 6258 -185 97.13%
Black Lotus EXH 16 4789 -117 97.62%
petits fours MXM 18 7751 -163 97.94%
星の透る夏空に願う MXM 18 7766 -256 96.81%
星の透る夏空に願う EXH 16 5844 -102 98.28%
MARENOL MXM 17 6573 -125 98.13%
Lancelot ~Flame of the Rebellion~ MXM 19 8267 -519 94.09%
Lancelot ~Flame of the Rebellion~ EXH 17 6930 -218 96.95%
Aerial Fortress MXM 18 7501 -292 96.25%
Aerial Fortress EXH 16 5294 -80 98.51%
Dogeza Stairs MXM 18 8170 -277 96.72%
Dogeza Stairs EXH 16 6785 -69 98.99%
LECTORIA MXM 18 6755 -201 97.11%
LECTORIA EXH 16 5957 -54 99.1%
eighth-slave MXM 18 7191 -242 96.74%
eighth-slave EXH 16 4562 -68 98.53%
Cynical Joker MXM 18 6914 -181 97.45%
PIZZATIME MXM 17 4908 -94 98.12%