
sp3000 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2290件
曲名 ▲ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
[ ]DENTITY EXH 17 7069 -152 97.9%
[ ]DENTITY MXM 19 9501 -442 95.55%
[E] MXM 17 5526 -101 98.21%
akasha-assembly EXH 17 5119 -76 98.54%
ancient garden EXH 16 3840 -65 98.34%
and After the Merry BADEND MXM 19 7536 -509 93.67%
and After the Merry BADEND EXH 17 5473 -145 97.42%
apo:llioth MXM 18 6796 -145 97.91%
apo:llioth EXH 16 5281 -36 99.32%
archive::zip GRV 16 5298 -48 99.1%
bass 2 bass [Tracy vs. Astronomical Remix] MXM 16 3949 -26 99.35%
birth EXH 16 5990 -39 99.35%
birth MXM 18 7936 -198 97.57%
bistro twins☆☆☆ MXM 17 6384 -84 98.7%
c2Theater EXH 15 4319 -34 99.22%
c2Theater MXM 18 6180 -150 97.63%
caramel ribbon INF 16 4384 -54 98.78%
charm♡you MXM 17 5070 -64 98.75%
choux à la crème GRV 17 6076 -111 98.21%
choux à la crème EXH 16 5788 -123 97.92%
citrus EXH 15 4762 -68 98.59%
clear:wings MXM 17 6893 -94 98.65%
cloche(といぼっくすうぃんぐ みっくす) MXM 17 6795 -105 98.48%
cloud HVN 17 3888 -72 98.18%
cobalt MXM 17 5253 -139 97.42%