
sp3000 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2290件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- ▲ %
ラヴ♡チャンス!! MXM 18 6001 -147 97.61%
革命パッショネイト MXM 17 7009 -147 97.95%
Absolute Domination EXH 17 5848 -147 97.55%
Wings of Glory MXM 18 7004 -147 97.94%
壊Rave*it!! 壊Rave*it!! MXM 18 5608 -147 97.45%
Boss Rush MXM 18 7730 -147 98.13%
DEADLOCK XXX EXH 17 6018 -147 97.62%
ナイト・オブ・ナイツ INF 17 5314 -147 97.31%
éclair au chocolat GRV 17 5397 -147 97.35%
Lost wing at.0 MXM 17 7338 -147 98.04%
Ghost Family Living In Graveyard EXH 17 7636 -148 98.1%
veRtrageS EXH 18 7698 -148 98.11%
ネメシス SDVX Edit EXH 17 6169 -148 97.66%
ほおずき程度には赤い頭髪 EXH 17 6178 -148 97.66%
Sakura Mirage EXH 17 5620 -148 97.43%
Liar rain GRV 18 6901 -148 97.9%
Record one's Dream MXM 17 6196 -149 97.65%
Midnight City Warfare MXM 18 6457 -149 97.74%
REGALIA EXH 17 7223 -149 97.98%
The star in eclipse XCD 18 7802 -149 98.13%
Innocent Floor EXH 17 6126 -149 97.63%
TIEFSEE EXH 17 6811 -149 97.86%
To:BrandNewDeadline EXH 16 5189 -149 97.21%
c2Theater MXM 18 6180 -150 97.63%
セイクリッド ルイン EXH 15 4994 -150 97.08%