
sp3000 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2290件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▲ EX Score MAX- %
INSECTICIDE EXH 18 6817 -216 96.93%
Unleashed Redness MXM 18 6675 -236 96.59%
Halloween Is Chaos MXM 18 7016 -109 98.47%
恋愛♡悪戯!?まじかる☆ぱふゅ~む!! MXM 18 5879 -44 99.26%
天弓天華オトハナビ MXM 18 5904 -162 97.33%
Destr0yer MXM 18 5659 -161 97.23%
quaver♪ MXM 18 6193 -146 97.7%
Perfect Ultimate Celebration!! MXM 18 6881 -231 96.75%
Blessing Bouquet MXM 18 6822 -159 97.72%
Garland MXM 18 7032 -229 96.85%
Foolish Hero XCD 18 6018 -195 96.86%
月々紅花 VVD 18 6743 -151 97.81%
光風霽月 MXM 18 6840 -283 96.03%
STIGMA MXM 18 6419 -177 97.32%
FLOOR INFECTION Medley from SOUND VOLTEX×jubeat MXM 18 7558 -322 95.91%
Gate of Atlantis MXM 18 6180 -268 95.84%
Across the Starlight MXM 18 6470 -237 96.47%
Memory Flow MXM 18 5659 -109 98.11%
MEGALOVANIA MXM 18 7907 -190 97.65%
Wish upon Twin Stars GRV 18 7679 -287 96.4%
tricky trick EXH 18 7461 -218 97.16%
Vanishing Eidos MXM 18 6169 -298 95.39%
*Feels Seasickness...* EXH 18 6117 -224 96.47%
End of Guilty MXM 18 6122 -288 95.51%
LegenD. EXH 18 7174 -231 96.88%