
sp3000 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2290件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
snow storm -euphoria- EXH 17 6875 -163 97.68%
曾根崎心中 EXH 15 4309 -133 97.01%
DEADLOCK XXX EXH 17 6018 -147 97.62%
魔法少女達の百年祭(masty core remix) EXH 15 4345 -115 97.42%
ありふれたせかいせいふく EXH 13 3109 -54 98.29%
Quietus Ray HVN 19 8353 -486 94.5%
Quietus Ray EXH 17 6579 -119 98.22%
VERSUS!! EXH 15 4017 -114 97.24%
Booths of Fighters HVN 19 6997 -402 94.57%
Booths of Fighters EXH 17 6149 -87 98.6%
Playing With Fire EXH 16 4118 -120 97.17%
Lunartic Dial EXH 16 4568 -128 97.27%
Voice 2 Voice EXH 15 3830 -87 97.78%
デストロイマーチ EXH 16 5123 -135 97.43%
Unicorn tail Dustboxxxx RMX VVD 18 6822 -140 97.99%
Unicorn tail Dustboxxxx RMX EXH 16 5673 -61 98.94%
Cirno Break EXH 16 5462 -84 98.49%
#Fairy_dancing_in_lake VVD 18 6074 -126 97.97%
#Fairy_dancing_in_lake EXH 16 4029 -25 99.38%
U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか?(TO-HOlic mix) EXH 16 5694 -64 98.89%
音楽 -resolve- VVD 19 7026 -292 96.01%
音楽 -resolve- EXH 17 5291 -166 96.96%
少年は空を辿る Prog Piano Remix GRV 17 6289 -144 97.76%
少年は空を辿る Prog Piano Remix EXH 16 4618 -57 98.78%
華陽炎-Hana Kagerou- EXH 14 4140 -35 99.16%