
kir10 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2283件
曲名 難易度 ▲ Lv EX Score MAX- %
Party Stream !! EXH 15 5039 -10 99.8%
ケムマキunderground EXH 15 4733 -6 99.87%
MODEL FT4 EXH 16 5340 -37 99.31%
Valanga(polysha Remix) EXH 16 4382 -34 99.23%
Mother Ship (C-YA MIX) EXH 15 3850 -7 99.82%
ファイナルレター EXH 16 5924 -23 99.61%
Vividly Impromptu EXH 16 4370 -6 99.86%
祭囃子 EXH 14 4116 -10 99.76%
獣性オーバーフロウ EXH 15 4891 -18 99.63%
二分間の世界 EXH 16 5509 -26 99.53%
Taiko Drum Monster EXH 16 5271 -46 99.13%
Call of the World EXH 16 5880 -23 99.61%
ROZELCIA EXH 16 4776 -8 99.83%
Turn the story EXH 16 4568 -25 99.46%
Übertreffen EXH 16 4783 -21 99.56%
Aragami EXH 15 4774 -13 99.73%
Believe In Yourself EXH 16 4579 -10 99.78%
* Erm, could it be a Spatiotemporal ShockWAVE Syndrome...? EXH 18 6699 -101 98.51%
スラッシュ//シスターズ EXH 15 4724 -6 99.87%
Teufel EXH 16 5457 -23 99.58%
MEGANE EXH 12 3257 -5 99.85%
pique EXH 16 5599 -17 99.7%
オニユリ EXH 16 6028 -34 99.44%
タイムトラベル EXH 16 5837 -23 99.61%
都会征服Girls☆ EXH 14 4025 -28 99.31%