
yuzu さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2088件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▲ EX Score MAX- %
End of Guilty EXH 16 4388 -51 98.85%
Restless Waitress EXH 16 5287 -61 98.86%
Aqua,Luna-rium MXM 16 4393 -173 96.21%
イヤホンロマンス MXM 16 4965 -122 97.6%
EGOISM 440 (Ange;art remix) EXH 16 5011 -84 98.35%
Over the Border MXM 16 4340 -84 98.1%
Elemental Creation -xiRemix- EXH 16 6034 -119 98.07%
恋は君のそばでサクラサク MXM 16 3964 -82 97.97%
FEEL THE FORCE EXH 16 4600 -43 99.07%
Verflucht EXH 16 4652 -61 98.71%
Macuilxochitl (Latin Jazz Mix) EXH 16 4609 -38 99.18%
恋愛♡悪戯!?まじかる☆ぱふゅ~む!! EXH 16 4900 -63 98.73%
SuperMiracleEnsemble EXH 16 4737 -105 97.83%
Scars of FAUNA(ろひ Remix) EXH 16 4260 -38 99.12%
追憶のアリア MXM 16 4804 -79 98.38%
ナスカの丘 (Hi-NRG Remix) MXM 16 3802 -52 98.65%
POSSESSION (Aoi Q.E.D. RMX) EXH 16 4355 -133 97.04%
不可測的メトロポリス MXM 16 4425 -68 98.49%
プナイプナイたいそう EXH 16 3480 -53 98.5%
ラストリゾート MXM 16 4977 -94 98.15%
eternite EXH 16 4850 -27 99.45%
Thank you for your playing music EXH 16 5311 -9 99.83%
Φnd:you EXH 16 4291 -32 99.26%
floating girl VVD 16 4287 -71 98.37%
Ring!Run!Nyan!! EXH 16 5356 -40 99.26%