
yuzu さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2088件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▼ EX Score MAX- %
Sakura Mirage EXH 17 5653 -115 98.01%
患部で止まってすぐ溶ける ~ 狂気の優曇華院 INF 17 6349 -154 97.63%
信仰は儚き人間の為に ~ Arr.Demetori EXH 17 6408 -172 97.39%
竹取飛翔 HVN 17 5818 -208 96.55%
少女暴動 EXH 17 5737 -160 97.29%
KiLLeR MeRMaiD EXH 17 5968 -148 97.58%
Mist In Hell EXH 17 5444 -80 98.55%
Innocent Tempest EXH 17 6628 -163 97.6%
ボルテ体操第一 EXH 17 5094 -176 96.66%
odds and ends GRV 17 5058 -99 98.08%
Harpuia EXH 17 5533 -160 97.19%
Hoshizora Illumination HVN 17 6738 -143 97.92%
FLYING OUT TO THE SKY EXH 17 6325 -179 97.25%
L9 EXH 16 4710 -51 98.93%
Beyond the Sandstorm EXH 16 4062 -20 99.51%
Katharsis EXH 16 4103 -77 98.16%
SAMURAI TIGER EXH 16 5352 -38 99.29%
スカイダイバー MXM 16 4244 -5 99.88%
Breakin' Asia EXH 16 5421 -7 99.87%
ZEИITH EXH 16 5113 -62 98.8%
M.A.Y.U. EXH 16 4540 -105 97.74%
Max Burning!!(GαineN Beyond yΩu Remix) EXH 16 5660 -54 99.05%
King's Gambit EXH 16 5337 -37 99.31%
Monkey Business(Band Edit.) EXH 16 5645 -152 97.38%
The King Of Red EXH 16 5096 -50 99.03%