
yuzu さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2082件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Crystalia EXH 16 4488 -4 99.91%
Cross Fire EXH 17 6249 -134 97.9%
Cross Fire MXM 19 6827 -485 93.37%
Crazy Jackpot MXM 18 6108 -170 97.29%
Crawl Out Immortal MXM 18 6945 -360 95.07%
Crack Traxxxx EXH 16 6150 -145 97.7%
Corrupting Wonderland MXM 18 7261 -175 97.65%
Continuous Moment MXM 17 5173 -137 97.42%
Completeness Under Incompleteness GRV 18 6394 -512 92.59%
Completeness Under Incompleteness EXH 16 5798 -169 97.17%
Come to Life EXH 16 5162 -25 99.52%
Come to Life MXM 18 6467 -107 98.37%
Colors MXM 16 5032 -81 98.42%
Colorless feat.ももかみ MXM 17 5179 -110 97.92%
Colorful Magical Parade MXM 17 4570 -128 97.28%
Coldlapse MXM 17 5902 -264 95.72%
Cold Inflation EXH 16 5283 -60 98.88%
Cloud Crasher EXH 16 5476 -43 99.22%
Cloud 9 MXM 18 5716 -561 91.06%
Cloud 9 EXH 16 5470 -103 98.15%
Clione Hommarju Remix EXH 12 3950 -40 99.0%
Cleopatrysm INF 16 4830 -114 97.69%
Clash of swords EXH 17 6327 -213 96.74%
Claidheamh Soluis-光の剣- feat.はるの MXM 16 5367 -138 97.49%
Cirno Break EXH 16 5421 -125 97.75%