
9999 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1103件
曲名 ▲ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Khionos TiARA MXM 18 7594 -199 97.45%
King's Gambit MXM 18 6632 -183 97.31%
Knew Order MXM 18 7443 -242 96.85%
Knights Assault MXM 17 5216 -242 95.57%
Kool Awesome Croon MXM 18 6580 -151 97.76%
LEMON SUMMER EXH 15 4854 -79 98.4%
LOVE TONIC EXH 15 4447 -144 96.86%
La Nostra Storia! MXM 18 8064 -277 96.68%
La Nostra Storia! EXH 16 6186 -411 93.77%
Lachryma《Re:Queen’M》 GRV 20 8791 -477 94.85%
Lachryma《Re:Queen’M》 EXH 18 7307 -182 97.57%
Lancelot ~Flame of the Rebellion~ EXH 17 6821 -327 95.43%
Lancelot ~Flame of the Rebellion~ MXM 19 8057 -729 91.7%
Last Resort MXM 19 8925 -327 96.47%
Last Resort EXH 17 6571 -119 98.22%
LastΩmegA MXM 18 7186 -227 96.94%
Laughin' Muffin EXH 16 4793 -171 96.56%
Lazurite MXM 18 501 -6773 6.89%
LaμreLs ~the Angelus~ MXM 19 7517 -596 92.65%
LaμreLs ~the Angelus~ EXH 17 5267 -160 97.05%
Le Fruit Défendu XCD 18 6744 -363 94.89%
LegenD. EXH 18 7198 -207 97.2%
LegenD. XCD 19 7531 -244 96.86%
Legendary Road MXM 18 7951 -327 96.05%
Leviathan EXH 16 4413 -257 94.5%