
9999 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1103件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▲ EX Score MAX- %
onslaught -Retaliation of Bahamūt- EXH 17 5678 -191 96.75%
ラキラキ MXM 17 4814 -153 96.92%
LubedeR EXH 17 3929 -101 97.49%
Invisible Bullets MXM 17 5406 -126 97.72%
Circuit Surfer EXH 17 5949 -87 98.56%
REINCARNATION EXH 17 6946 -170 97.61%
Tic Exe MXM 17 5379 -372 93.53%
and After the Merry BADEND EXH 17 5442 -176 96.87%
星の詩 MXM 17 3919 -279 93.35%
キラメキ居残り大戦争 MXM 17 7162 -77 98.94%
Ambivalent Vermilia EXH 17 5931 -126 97.92%
Xinca EXH 17 6840 -169 97.59%
AμreoLe ~for Triumph~ EXH 17 5343 -193 96.51%
Chronomia EXH 17 7790 -139 98.25%
One More Lovely EXH 17 5492 -188 96.69%
Triple Counter EXH 17 6528 -276 95.94%
CODE -CRiMSON- EXH 17 6770 -191 97.26%
VOLAQUAS EXH 17 6725 -158 97.7%
DIABLOSIS::Nāga EXH 17 5725 -129 97.8%
FREEDOM DiVE EXH 17 6589 -578 91.94%
ZEPHYRANTHES GRV 17 6096 -166 97.35%
Dark Matter MXM 17 6271 -155 97.59%
snow storm -euphoria- EXH 17 6854 -184 97.39%
ON THE WORLD MXM 18 6998 -232 96.79%
Lunatic Mare MXM 18 7394 -107 98.57%