
ysaya_u さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3029件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Concertino in Blue MXM 18 5619 -156 97.3%
Concertino in Blue EXH 15 4113 -36 99.13%
Completeness Under Incompleteness GRV 18 6756 -150 97.83%
Completeness Under Incompleteness EXH 16 5943 -24 99.6%
Come to Life MXM 18 6533 -41 99.38%
Come to Life EXH 16 5172 -15 99.71%
Colors MXM 16 5099 -14 99.73%
Colors EXH 14 3517 -5 99.86%
Colorless feat.ももかみ EXH 14 4000 -21 99.48%
Colorful Magical Parade MXM 17 4651 -47 99.0%
Colorful Magical Parade EXH 15 3709 -9 99.76%
Coldlapse EXH 15 4518 -14 99.69%
Cold Inflation EXH 16 5313 -30 99.44%
Cloud Crasher EXH 16 5500 -19 99.66%
Cloud Crasher GRV 18 6507 -105 98.41%
Cloud 9 EXH 16 5542 -31 99.44%
Cloud 9 MXM 18 6174 -103 98.36%
Clione Hommarju Remix EXH 12 3973 -17 99.57%
Cleopatrysm EXH 15 4667 -42 99.11%
Cleopatrysm INF 16 4908 -36 99.27%
Clash of swords EXH 17 6500 -40 99.39%
Claidheamh Soluis-光の剣- feat.はるの MXM 16 5486 -19 99.65%
City Edge EXH 13 4776 -15 99.69%
Cirno Break EXH 16 5526 -20 99.64%
Circulator EXH 15 3339 -11 99.67%