
ysaya_u さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3029件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Brave Power Leader 《 = Voltage = 》 EXH 16 4938 -24 99.52%
Boss Rush EXH 15 5054 -12 99.76%
Boss Rush MXM 18 7797 -80 98.98%
Borealis EXH 17 6403 -52 99.19%
Booths of Fighters HVN 19 7250 -149 97.99%
Booths of Fighters EXH 17 6154 -82 98.69%
Bonetrousle MXM 16 4778 -32 99.33%
Bolérrot EXH 15 4384 -24 99.46%
Bolérrot MXM 18 6234 -88 98.61%
Bl∞min' MXM 20 11089 -399 96.53%
Bl∞min' EXH 18 9081 -229 97.54%
Blφφdy Cφncertφ EXH 16 5037 -16 99.68%
Blφφdy Cφncertφ MXM 18 6174 -161 97.46%
BlueMoon Princess MXM 18 7757 -88 98.88%
Blue Stream EXH 14 3484 -15 99.57%
Blue Stream MXM 17 5140 -62 98.81%
Blue Forest(NightBounce Remix) MXM 17 4592 -44 99.05%
Blue Forest(NightBounce Remix) EXH 14 3017 -13 99.57%
Blue Forest (Prog Keys Remix) MXM 17 5308 -79 98.53%
Blue Forest (Prog Keys Remix) EXH 14 3395 -19 99.44%
Blue Fire MXM 16 4974 -18 99.64%
Blossom EXH 16 4917 -10 99.8%
Blossom MXM 18 6615 -73 98.91%
Blessing Bouquet EXH 16 5326 -34 99.37%
Blessing Bouquet MXM 18 6893 -88 98.74%