
ysaya_u さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3029件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
鳳凰誓歌 EXH 14 4766 -12 99.75%
ヴァルプルギスの夜 MXM 18 7205 -99 98.64%
ヴァルプルギスの夜 EXH 16 5542 -17 99.69%
Guinevere~白き妖精~ MXM 19 9497 -262 97.32%
Guinevere~白き妖精~ EXH 17 7238 -49 99.33%
細氷 MXM 19 8445 -111 98.7%
細氷 EXH 17 7013 -44 99.38%
X1GNUS MXM 18 7578 -69 99.1%
X1GNUS EXH 16 5468 -13 99.76%
Never Forget Evergreen MXM 18 8903 -93 98.97%
Never Forget Evergreen EXH 16 6478 -27 99.58%
Nebula Dysorder MXM 19 8491 -273 96.88%
Nebula Dysorder EXH 17 5637 -35 99.38%
For All The Challengers MXM 18 7827 -68 99.14%
For All The Challengers EXH 16 5326 -26 99.51%
Little Red Riding Hood MXM 18 6266 -104 98.37%
Little Red Riding Hood EXH 16 5221 -16 99.69%
while (screen is blue) MXM 19 7122 -276 96.27%
while (screen is blue) EXH 17 4906 -81 98.38%
Everything B.K. MXM 18 7105 -98 98.64%
Everything B.K. EXH 15 4770 -14 99.71%
B.B.K.K.B.K.K. (USAO Remix) MXM 18 8023 -113 98.61%
B.B.K.K.B.K.K. (USAO Remix) EXH 16 6289 -8 99.87%
B.B.K.K.B.K.K. (影虎。 & siqlo PsyRemix) MXM 17 6059 -50 99.18%
B.B.K.K.B.K.K. (影虎。 & siqlo PsyRemix) EXH 14 4091 -7 99.83%