
ysaya_u さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3029件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▲ EX Score MAX- %
Virtual Sunrise (xac remix) EXH 15 5332 -26 99.51%
Gate of Atlantis EXH 15 4392 -71 98.41%
AXION EXH 15 3450 -12 99.65%
further the future EXH 15 4028 -10 99.75%
Butterfly Twist EXH 15 4123 -12 99.71%
Pulsar EXH 15 4871 -9 99.82%
ECHIDNA EXH 15 4520 -25 99.45%
Voice 2 Voice n Voice EXH 15 3530 -15 99.58%
ケッペキショウ EXH 15 4541 -13 99.71%
Black or Red? EXH 15 3659 -14 99.62%
ナイフ EXH 15 5373 -11 99.8%
KINGWORLD EXH 15 5343 -18 99.66%
sparky spark EXH 15 3690 -17 99.54%
月見夜ラビット EXH 15 5898 -22 99.63%
Belly Flopper EXH 15 5025 -18 99.64%
Jacob’s Elevator EXH 15 4874 -12 99.75%
ЯegreT of MemoRy EXH 15 3925 -13 99.67%
Garland EXH 15 4696 -11 99.77%
The Wind of Gold -HΔPPY MIX- EXH 15 4015 -21 99.48%
Hustle Beat!! EXH 15 4684 -21 99.55%
WobbleTangleFestival (影虎。 & ikaruga_nex's HDM RMX) EXH 15 4170 -12 99.71%
アワデコノヨヲ EXH 15 5059 -13 99.74%
花火のおもちゃ箱 EXH 15 4062 -17 99.58%
ステラ・イミグレーション EXH 15 4807 -15 99.69%
GEROL (Yooh Remix) EXH 15 3972 -17 99.57%