
ysaya_u さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3029件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- ▲ %
Starlight Express EXH 16 4530 -40 99.12%
泡沫、哀のまほろば EXH 13 3909 -40 98.99%
Absurd Gaff EXH 16 4948 -40 99.2%
Come to Life MXM 18 6533 -41 99.38%
Re:RHYZE EXH 16 6286 -41 99.35%
Burst Λnd reBoost EXH 17 5878 -41 99.31%
MXM 17 5408 -41 99.25%
Spectacular“V”Adventure! EXH 17 5942 -41 99.31%
[E] MXM 17 5586 -41 99.27%
All We Need is HAPPY END!!! EXH 17 5370 -41 99.24%
Hydroblast EXH 15 4000 -41 98.99%
The King Of Red EXH 16 5105 -41 99.2%
€omet popcorn EXH 16 5730 -41 99.29%
Innocent Azure MXM 18 6784 -41 99.4%
MICHIZURE MXM 17 4790 -41 99.15%
EGOISM -Rebuild- EXH 14 3284 -41 98.77%
eighth-slave MXM 18 7392 -41 99.45%
ブチ上げ候!現代忍者三姉妹 MXM 17 5679 -41 99.28%
Beyond the BLUE EXH 16 3988 -41 98.98%
Rejoin MXM 17 5450 -41 99.25%
EXH 14 3855 -41 98.95%
BELOBOG EXH 17 5584 -41 99.27%
PUPA EXH 16 5798 -41 99.3%
裏表ラバーズ MXM 16 5486 -41 99.26%
akasha-assembly EXH 17 5154 -41 99.21%