
hururu さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 755件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▲ EX Score MAX- %
大宇宙ステージ EXH 17 3450 -1473 70.08%
紅の剣舞 EXH 17 5395 -1094 83.14%
Spectacular“V”Adventure! EXH 17 5277 -706 88.2%
Voice 2 Voice n Voice MXM 17 4009 -896 81.73%
残像ニ繋ガレタ追憶ノHIDEAWAY MXM 17 4438 -630 87.57%
Growing Up/アニメ「この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!3」より MXM 17 3603 -511 87.58%
柳の下のデュラハン hard chaos mix EXH 17 5481 -665 89.18%
U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか?haru_naba Remix EXH 17 4226 -1804 70.08%
Colorful Magical Parade MXM 17 3761 -937 80.06%
DEUX EX MĀXHINĀ EXH 17 4322 -707 85.94%
逆月 EXH 17 4498 -1159 79.51%
Elemental Creation EXH 17 6424 -928 87.38%
Synergy For Angels MXM 17 4379 -767 85.1%
KiLLeR MeRMaiD EXH 17 5133 -983 83.93%
Invisible Bullets MXM 17 4628 -904 83.66%
トーキョーサマーナイト(華金Remix) MXM 17 4275 -815 83.99%
Inscape MXM 17 5143 -877 85.43%
Mist In Hell EXH 17 4738 -786 85.77%
Coldlapse MXM 17 5188 -978 84.14%
ARISE EXH 17 4156 -948 81.43%
HYENA EXH 17 5082 -636 88.88%
cross the future EXH 17 4936 -600 89.16%
sink into the dream MXM 17 4169 -977 81.01%
ピアノ独奏無言歌 "灰燼" EXH 17 4735 -1345 77.88%
iLLness LiLin EXH 17 4727 -938 83.44%