
kchp72 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1606件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▲ EX Score MAX- %
Chronomia EXH 17 7913 -16 99.8%
近未来百鬼夜行譚~死返之巻~ MXM 17 5788 -7 99.88%
toy boxer MXM 17 4956 -6 99.88%
Altale MXM 17 4983 -13 99.74%
Line 4 Ruin -kohumix- MXM 17 5885 -8 99.86%
BLACK JACKAL MXM 17 5678 -18 99.68%
ロキ MXM 17 4296 -4 99.91%
Metamorphobia EXH 17 5870 -5 99.91%
StrayedCatz GRV 17 6016 -55 99.09%
Justitia Gladius MXM 17 5806 -13 99.78%
穢れなきユーフォリア MXM 17 5506 -4 99.93%
Apex of the World EXH 17 5211 -15 99.71%
革命パッショネイト MXM 17 7146 -10 99.86%
Virtual Bit EXH 17 5507 -16 99.71%
CENSORED!! EXH 17 5825 -15 99.74%
Harmonia MXM 17 5058 -2 99.96%
If MXM 17 5086 -13 99.75%
スノウイコン MXM 17 5064 0 100.0%
孤月群雲に沈む VVD 17 5474 -6 99.89%
Devastated Territory VVD 17 5478 -9 99.84%
Chewingood!!! MXM 17 6229 -3 99.95%
グッバイ宣言 MXM 17 5504 -2 99.96%
Sephirot GRV 17 5597 -23 99.59%
Deadly Dolly Dance EXH 17 5090 -25 99.51%
Halcyon EXH 17 6343 -33 99.48%