
djyugg さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1394件
曲名 ▲ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
concon (picom'n'bass rmx) EXH 13 4259 -52 98.79%
continew EXH 17 4785 -286 94.36%
couleur automnes de chocolat MXM 16 4243 -144 96.72%
crazy cinema story XCD 18 6443 -357 94.75%
crazy cinema story EXH 16 4450 -322 93.25%
croiX INF 18 6864 -380 94.75%
croiX EXH 16 5408 -169 96.97%
cross the future EXH 17 5480 -56 98.99%
crossing blue MXM 18 8009 -205 97.5%
crêpe suzette EXH 16 5598 -31 99.45%
dilemma EXH 10 2691 -39 98.57%
disco KAWAii EXH 14 4344 -84 98.1%
dreamin' feat.Ryu☆ EXH 13 3688 -39 98.95%
eXtridia MXM 17 5219 -225 95.87%
eighth-slave MXM 18 7082 -351 95.28%
empty MXM 17 6000 -191 96.91%
eternite MXM 18 6508 -215 96.8%
floating girl VVD 16 4275 -83 98.1%
floorkiller VVD 17 6443 -93 98.58%
freaky freak GRV 17 6042 -325 94.9%
further the future EXH 15 3979 -59 98.54%
gigadelic (かめりあ's "The TERA" RMX) EXH 18 6278 -375 94.36%
good high school INF 17 4262 -104 97.62%
iLLness LiLin MXM 20 7054 -902 88.66%
iLLness LiLin EXH 17 5440 -225 96.03%