
area10th さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1618件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▼ EX Score MAX- %
FAR GONE MXM 18 5621 -10 99.82%
Cappuccino Hearts MXM 18 5826 -31 99.47%
Be a Hero! MXM 18 7645 -50 99.35%
OPEN MY GATE MXM 18 5574 -23 99.59%
Jack-the-Ripper◆ MXM 18 9783 -53 99.46%
EGOISM 440 (Ange;art remix) MXM 18 6257 -16 99.74%
PROVOES*PROPOSE <<êl fine>> GRV 18 6065 -86 98.6%
怒槌 MXM 18 10043 -96 99.05%
* Erm, could it be a Spatiotemporal ShockWAVE Syndrome...? EXH 18 6684 -116 98.29%
Spirit of the Beast MXM 18 6654 -39 99.42%
€omet popcorn VVD 18 7022 -38 99.46%
蛇神 MXM 18 6394 -50 99.22%
ULTRAVELOCITY MXM 18 6039 -44 99.28%
Taiko Drum Monster MXM 18 7936 -66 99.18%
祝福の色彩は想い結ぶ君たち迄 MXM 18 7648 -63 99.18%
Halloween Is Chaos MXM 18 7107 -18 99.75%
ΩVERFLOW MXM 18 7530 -39 99.48%
eternite MXM 18 6681 -42 99.38%
Midnight City Warfare MXM 18 6567 -39 99.41%
Twinkle Rookie MXM 18 7687 -31 99.6%
アオアラシ MXM 18 5677 -29 99.49%
Thank you for your playing music MXM 18 7614 -31 99.59%
Opium and Purple haze GRV 18 5436 -4 99.93%
Yum Yum Sweetie MXM 18 7629 -61 99.21%
Xevel MXM 18 8459 -114 98.67%