
area10th さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1618件
曲名 難易度 ▲ Lv EX Score MAX- %
refluxio EXH 16 5475 -12 99.78%
Venomous Firefly EXH 16 5241 -48 99.09%
EncorE & cALL EXH 17 6424 -28 99.57%
Hail Storm EXH 12 2787 -11 99.61%
Double Universe EXH 16 5152 -12 99.77%
XROSS INFECTION EXH 17 6079 -31 99.49%
Wings to fly high EXH 16 5911 -12 99.8%
Fly Like You EXH 17 5346 -27 99.5%
snow storm -euphoria- EXH 17 6996 -42 99.4%
曾根崎心中 EXH 15 4427 -15 99.66%
Across the Starlight EXH 16 4682 -7 99.85%
サイコパスラビット EXH 16 5899 -31 99.48%
MeteorGlow Aftermath EXH 16 4502 -22 99.51%
ECHIDNA EXH 15 4533 -12 99.74%
Nostalgic Blood of the Strife EXH 16 5067 -11 99.78%
crossing blue EXH 16 6404 -20 99.69%
PROVOES*PROPOSE <<êl fine>> EXH 16 4710 -27 99.43%
GERBERA EXH 16 5932 -24 99.6%
Xronièr EXH 18 6638 -138 97.96%
A Lasting Promise EXH 17 5711 -47 99.18%
BlueMoon Princess EXH 16 5988 -21 99.65%
GERBERA-For Finalists- EXH 17 6712 -59 99.13%
Breakin' Asia EXH 16 5421 -7 99.87%
ディスコルディア EXH 17 5576 -43 99.23%
遠く Dexholic Mix EXH 11 3080 -5 99.84%