
area10th さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1618件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Touch My Body MXM 18 5258 -17 99.68%
Tomorrow Perfume (tpz Despair Remix) EXH 13 3941 -4 99.9%
Tomorrow Perfume (C-Show Remix) EXH 16 4965 -6 99.88%
Tomato Leaf Breaks EXH 13 4411 -15 99.66%
To:BrandNewDeadline MXM 18 6914 -50 99.28%
Time to Air (jazz it up style) MXM 16 4534 -26 99.43%
Theme of Ricerca MXM 18 5735 -24 99.58%
The world of sound HVN 18 7426 -52 99.3%
The world of sound EXH 17 5902 -58 99.03%
The star in eclipse XCD 18 7922 -29 99.64%
The King Of Red MXM 18 7207 -35 99.52%
The King Of Red EXH 16 5124 -22 99.57%
The Golden Era MXM 18 6521 -49 99.25%
The Formula MXM 18 7259 -73 99.0%
The First Step MXM 17 4259 -26 99.39%
The End of War EXH 17 6395 -34 99.47%
The Clown of 24stairs EXH 17 5714 -39 99.32%
The Clown of 24stairs MXM 19 7654 -217 97.24%
Thank you for your playing music MXM 18 7614 -31 99.59%
Teufel EXH 16 5453 -27 99.51%
Teufel MXM 18 7375 -54 99.27%
Test Flight MXM 18 8324 -33 99.61%
Take to Lips MXM 15 3455 -8 99.77%
Taiko Drum Monster EXH 16 5290 -27 99.49%
Taiko Drum Monster MXM 18 7936 -66 99.18%