
area10th さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1618件
曲名 ▲ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Space Diver Tama EXH 15 3794 -21 99.45%
Sparkle Smilin' MXM 17 5883 -16 99.73%
Spear of Justice / 正義の槍 MXM 17 4980 -9 99.82%
Spirit of the Beast MXM 18 6654 -39 99.42%
Spirit of the Beast EXH 16 4469 -27 99.4%
Splash Underwater MXM 17 6405 -10 99.84%
Squeeze EXH 16 5112 -20 99.61%
Stairway to the sun MXM 18 6456 -47 99.28%
Stairway to the sun EXH 16 4588 -13 99.72%
Staring at star MXM 19 8109 -116 98.59%
Starlight Express EXH 16 4536 -34 99.26%
Star☆Beat EXH 16 5261 -10 99.81%
Star☆Beat MXM 18 7911 -16 99.8%
Stella Sinistra EXH 16 5126 -39 99.24%
Still Lonesome MXM 17 4782 -9 99.81%
Stleq EXH 17 6631 -33 99.5%
Strawberry Crisis EXH 16 5757 -16 99.72%
StrayedCatz EXH 15 4647 -51 98.91%
StrayedCatz GRV 17 6003 -68 98.88%
Struggle EXH 13 4139 -4 99.9%
Struggle for Revival MXM 17 4861 -17 99.65%
Sudden Visitor MXM 18 8589 -40 99.54%
Sulk MXM 17 6862 -16 99.77%
Sunflower Vibes MXM 17 6344 -5 99.92%
SuperMiracleEnsemble MXM 18 6265 -34 99.46%