
area10th さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1618件
曲名 難易度 ▲ Lv EX Score MAX- %
火狐之舞 EXH 16 5884 -13 99.78%
ピアノ協奏曲第1番”蠍火” EXH 17 4696 -60 98.74%
Rhapsody ⚙f Triumph EXH 17 7435 -50 99.33%
refluxio EXH 16 5475 -12 99.78%
EncorE & cALL EXH 17 6424 -28 99.57%
Wings to fly high EXH 16 5911 -12 99.8%
Across the Starlight EXH 16 4682 -7 99.85%
party:stage EXH 16 4809 -21 99.57%
Rapsodia d'amore EXH 17 5814 -62 98.94%
MixxioN EXH 18 5825 -64 98.91%
Red+White=Kawaii EXH 16 5157 -16 99.69%
天弓天華オトハナビ EXH 16 4438 -15 99.66%
EXH 17 5281 -48 99.1%
Triple Cross EXH 16 4997 -20 99.6%
R.I.P.ゴシップの海 EXH 16 5664 -25 99.56%
赫焉 EXH 17 7197 -24 99.67%
The King Of Red EXH 16 5124 -22 99.57%
光風霽月 EXH 16 5122 -20 99.61%
Puni Puni Parade EXH 16 4954 -14 99.72%
STIGMA EXH 16 5229 -8 99.85%
AIM HIGHER EXH 16 4373 -10 99.77%
VΛZiLiSQ EXH 17 6055 -20 99.67%
All for One EXH 16 5456 -18 99.67%
AμreoLe ~for Triumph~ EXH 17 5491 -45 99.19%
Xronièr EXH 18 6638 -138 97.96%