
masaki さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3526件
曲名 ▲ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Heroine is here EXH 14 3695 -9 99.76%
Heroine is here MXM 16 4750 -7 99.85%
Hexennacht EXH 15 3315 0 100.0%
Hexennacht VVD 17 4584 -7 99.85%
Hi-Fi!!双子'S MXM 16 5932 -8 99.87%
Hi-Fi!!双子'S EXH 14 4743 -9 99.81%
HiGHER EXH 12 3694 -1 99.97%
HiGHER MXM 16 5601 -5 99.91%
Historia of Velnoti EXH 15 4067 0 100.0%
Historia of Velnoti VVD 17 6063 -48 99.21%
Holy Legacy EXH 14 3782 0 100.0%
Holy Legacy VVD 17 5700 -4 99.93%
Holy Trail MXM 19 7362 -231 96.96%
Holy Trail EXH 16 5224 -9 99.83%
Hopscotch MXM 17 6335 -31 99.51%
Hopscotch EXH 15 4720 -11 99.77%
Hoshizora Illumination HVN 17 6855 -26 99.62%
Hoshizora Illumination EXH 16 5674 -3 99.95%
Hug!! Vs. Hug!! MXM 18 6138 -89 98.57%
Hug!! Vs. Hug!! EXH 16 4090 -8 99.8%
Hurt me plenty EXH 16 4694 -8 99.83%
Hurt me plenty VVD 18 6158 -110 98.25%
Hustle Beat!! EXH 15 4697 -8 99.83%
Hydroblast EXH 15 4039 -2 99.95%
Hydroblast MXM 18 5795 -73 98.76%