
masaki さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3526件
曲名 難易度 ▲ Lv EX Score MAX- %
What an amazing swing EXH 15 3900 -16 99.59%
Gott EXH 16 5257 -19 99.64%
Appliqué(Vocal Remix) EXH 15 4097 -15 99.64%
Gate of Atlantis (Vocal ∞ Mix) EXH 15 4625 -17 99.63%
croiX EXH 16 5529 -48 99.14%
The setting sun(burst) EXH 15 3150 0 100.0%
Rot in hell!! EXH 13 3364 0 100.0%
Max Burning!!(GαineN Beyond yΩu Remix) EXH 16 5708 -6 99.89%
物凄い勢いでけーねが物凄いうた EXH 15 4082 0 100.0%
ARISE EXH 17 5086 -18 99.65%
魔理沙は大変なものを盗んでいきました EXH 13 4269 -1 99.98%
Allegro Saetta EXH 17 5575 -16 99.71%
Help me, ERINNNNNN!! EXH 13 5002 -2 99.96%
{ eXLIPXe } EXH 18 5902 -150 97.52%
ウイジン EXH 15 4911 0 100.0%
VALLIS-NERIA EXH 18 6983 -103 98.55%
Ex concordia felicitas EXH 15 5329 -3 99.94%
I'm so Happy EXH 16 4248 -14 99.67%
Colorful Magical Parade EXH 15 3711 -7 99.81%
ラクガキスト EXH 16 5580 -38 99.32%
StellarflightS EXH 16 5180 -2 99.96%
Bad ∞ End ∞ Night EXH 13 3782 -2 99.95%
Knew Order EXH 16 5403 -8 99.85%
隅田川夏恋歌 (I/O Angel mix) EXH 12 3753 -1 99.97%
NO SURRENDER EXH 16 4079 -2 99.95%