
usami_monica さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1837件
曲名 難易度 ▲ Lv EX Score MAX- %
サイコパスラビット EXH 16 5826 -104 98.25%
光射す澪のユズリハ EXH 16 5257 -44 99.17%
KIMIDORI Streak!! EXH 15 4830 -68 98.61%
Gate of Atlantis EXH 15 4428 -35 99.22%
Nexta EXH 15 4888 -43 99.13%
Redshift EXH 16 5329 -55 98.98%
Wings of Glory EXH 15 5115 -27 99.47%
Cloud 9 EXH 16 5462 -111 98.01%
НУМЛ EXH 15 5710 -41 99.29%
Zelophilia EXH 15 4189 -32 99.24%
Goddess Bless you EXH 15 5662 -35 99.39%
TWO-TORIAL EXH 17 5234 -114 97.87%
HP:1 EXH 15 3920 -36 99.09%
怒槌 EXH 15 6296 -46 99.27%
Scarlet Lance EXH 15 4471 -43 99.05%
新米天使のメランコリー EXH 13 3033 -14 99.54%
獅子奮迅 EXH 15 4524 -33 99.28%
Concertino in Blue EXH 15 4099 -50 98.79%
ULTiMATE INFLATiON EXH 16 6042 -53 99.13%
Mirrorwall EXH 16 4941 -63 98.74%
Theme of Ricerca EXH 15 4327 -31 99.29%
PUPA EXH 16 1908 -3931 32.68%
雷鼓サンダービート EXH 15 4076 -29 99.29%
The Formula EXH 15 4752 -24 99.5%
ΩVERSOUL EXH 16 4196 -48 98.87%