
vfnioku さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1811件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Puni Puni Parade MXM 18 6882 -51 99.26%
Puni Puni Parade EXH 16 4958 -10 99.8%
Puberty Dysthymia MXM 18 6015 -62 98.98%
Prominence EXH 13 4052 -11 99.73%
Profession EXH 16 3549 -3 99.92%
Pristine Bigband EXH 15 5326 -34 99.37%
Princessどうかお願い!! EXH 15 4525 -10 99.78%
Prey EXH 16 5420 -24 99.56%
Prey MXM 18 6463 -75 98.85%
Preserved Valkyria GRV 19 8321 -194 97.72%
Preserved Valkyria EXH 18 6941 -72 98.97%
Prelude-Hereafter- EXH 15 5498 -4 99.93%
Prayer(溝口ゆうま feat. 大瀬良あい) MXM 18 6832 -50 99.27%
Prayer(ぺのれり) EXH 18 5941 -18 99.7%
Power of Battle (SDVX EDIT) EXH 13 3812 -18 99.53%
Poppin' Shower MXM 16 4958 -14 99.72%
Poochie MXM 18 6385 -18 99.72%
Pon-Pon-Pompoko Dai-Sen-Saw! EXH 18 6261 -32 99.49%
Poison Blood EXH 15 5235 -14 99.73%
Please Welcome Mr.C MXM 18 7361 -32 99.57%
Playing With Fire EXH 16 4211 -27 99.36%
Pixelated Platform (Super Honey!) MXM 17 6409 -14 99.78%
Pixelated Platform MXM 17 5581 -15 99.73%
Pieces of a Dream EXH 17 6388 -17 99.73%
Pieces EXH 12 3342 -10 99.7%