
punipon さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2205件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- ▲ %
Impress(siqlo's Hi-Tech Veats) MXM 17 4398 -59 98.68%
ANGER of the GOD EXH 17 7269 -59 99.19%
Black Lotus EXH 16 4847 -59 98.8%
La Danza del Fuego MXM 16 4644 -59 98.75%
REVOLVER EXH 18 6185 -59 99.06%
Gott EXH 16 5217 -59 98.88%
十面相 VVD 17 4477 -59 98.7%
sink into the dream MXM 17 5087 -59 98.85%
Le Merle Noir MXM 16 3945 -60 98.5%
Holy Legacy VVD 17 5644 -60 98.95%
Φnd:you EXH 16 4263 -60 98.61%
星の透る夏空に願う EXH 16 5886 -60 98.99%
Aerial Fortress EXH 16 5314 -60 98.88%
水簾ノ調 MXM 18 7492 -60 99.21%
New Leaf MXM 18 6850 -60 99.13%
All Clear!! MXM 17 5916 -60 99.0%
壊Rave*it!! 壊Rave*it!! MXM 18 5695 -60 98.96%
暴走 EXH 17 4478 -60 98.68%
She is my wife すーぱーアイドル☆ミツル子Remixちゃん EXH 15 3966 -60 98.51%
50th Memorial Songs -The BEMANI History- VVD 17 5141 -60 98.85%
Pixelated Platform (Super Honey!) MXM 17 6363 -60 99.07%
ウバワレ GRV 17 5561 -60 98.93%
ステラ・イミグレーション MXM 17 6841 -60 99.13%
Aqua,Luna-rium MXM 16 4505 -61 98.66%
アオアラシ MXM 18 5645 -61 98.93%