
punipon さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2205件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▼ EX Score MAX- %
火狐之舞 EXH 16 5839 -58 99.02%
refluxio EXH 16 5436 -51 99.07%
Wings to fly high EXH 16 5871 -52 99.12%
AIM HIGHER EXH 16 4337 -46 98.95%
All for One EXH 16 5436 -38 99.31%
Holy Trail EXH 16 5206 -27 99.48%
Decadence Mission EXH 16 4898 -14 99.71%
FAR GONE EXH 16 3920 -17 99.57%
Vallasotiena EXH 16 4766 -29 99.4%
G4ME ØVEЯ EXH 16 4564 -35 99.24%
Cappuccino Hearts EXH 16 4171 -31 99.26%
イヤホンロマンス MXM 16 5035 -52 98.98%
EGOISM 440 (Ange;art remix) EXH 16 5061 -34 99.33%
Over the Border MXM 16 4400 -24 99.46%
€omet popcorn EXH 16 5743 -28 99.51%
PSYCHO+HEROES EXH 16 5191 -66 98.74%
ナナホシのうた MXM 16 5259 -44 99.17%
Hurt me plenty EXH 16 4666 -36 99.23%
Your SOUL Is Mine EXH 16 4437 -37 99.17%
恋は君のそばでサクラサク MXM 16 4006 -40 99.01%
FEEL THE FORCE EXH 16 4626 -17 99.63%
Verflucht EXH 16 4673 -40 99.15%
Elemental Creation -xiRemix- EXH 16 6110 -43 99.3%
Macuilxochitl (Latin Jazz Mix) EXH 16 4609 -38 99.18%
SuperMiracleEnsemble EXH 16 4805 -37 99.24%