
punipon さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2205件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- ▲ %
quaver♪ MXM 18 6237 -102 98.39%
永遠に幸せになる方法、見つけました。 MXM 18 4435 -103 97.73%
Angels And Demons EXH 18 6077 -103 98.33%
CRITICAL LINE EXH 17 5151 -104 98.02%
孤独の番人 HVN 18 5817 -104 98.24%
ИADIR MXM 18 7473 -104 98.63%
Restless Waitress MXM 18 6851 -105 98.49%
Ghost Family Living In Graveyard EXH 17 7679 -105 98.65%
Sunflower Vibes MXM 17 6244 -105 98.35%
Scarlet Lance MXM 18 7005 -105 98.52%
couleur automnes de chocolat MXM 16 4282 -105 97.61%
The Golden Era MXM 18 6465 -105 98.4%
Lowermost revolt MXM 18 6896 -106 98.49%
マサカリブレイド EXH 18 7063 -106 98.52%
croiX EXH 16 5471 -106 98.1%
Evans VolteX Pf arrange HVN 18 6086 -106 98.29%
ぶいちゅっばの歌 MXM 17 4792 -106 97.84%
Royal Action MXM 17 5698 -106 98.17%
アキネイション EXH 17 5395 -106 98.07%
c2Theater MXM 18 6223 -107 98.31%
狂水一華 MXM 18 5712 -107 98.16%
OZONE GRV 18 7466 -107 98.59%
Theme of Ricerca MXM 18 5652 -107 98.14%
Gorgetech MXM 18 5950 -107 98.23%
Historia of Velnoti VVD 17 6004 -107 98.25%