
peko さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1295件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Wish upon Twin Stars EXH 17 6157 -134 97.87%
Wish upon Twin Stars GRV 18 7735 -231 97.1%
Wings to fly high MXM 18 7286 -240 96.81%
Wings to fly high EXH 16 5886 -37 99.38%
Wings of Glory MXM 18 6923 -228 96.81%
We Go Down MXM 18 6739 -138 97.99%
Warriors Aboot EXH 18 6128 -96 98.46%
WONDER_WOBBLER MXM 17 6367 -80 98.76%
WILD FIRE MXM 17 4876 -39 99.21%
WICKeD CRφSS EXH 15 3484 -15 99.57%
WICKeD CRφSS MXM 17 5042 -115 97.77%
WHITEOUT MXM 20 8579 -771 91.75%
Vividly Impromptu MXM 18 6230 -183 97.15%
Virtual Bit EXH 17 5463 -60 98.91%
Vindicator EXH 15 4058 -36 99.12%
Vigor EXH 14 3671 -32 99.14%
Victim of Nights MXM 18 6411 -77 98.81%
Verflucht EXH 16 4666 -47 99.0%
Verflucht MXM 18 7332 -287 96.23%
Venomous Firefly EXH 16 5244 -45 99.15%
Venomous Firefly MXM 18 6741 -299 95.75%
Vanishing Eidos MXM 18 6134 -333 94.85%
Vallasotiena MXM 18 6725 -68 99.0%
Valkyrja ~Aldrlag~ MXM 18 6403 -189 97.13%