
peko さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1295件
曲名 難易度 ▼ Lv EX Score MAX- %
Apocrypha EXH 14 4271 -30 99.3%
neu BSP style EXH 16 4051 -21 99.48%
Spirit of the Beast EXH 16 4457 -39 99.13%
Stairway to the sun EXH 16 4569 -32 99.3%
FLOWER REDALiCE Remix EXH 16 6027 -33 99.46%
神獄烙桜 EXH 16 4689 -36 99.24%
U&M EXH 8 2552 0 100.0%
Juggler's Maddness EXH 16 6006 -49 99.19%
Xepher Light and Darkness Dragon REMIX EXH 16 4033 -39 99.04%
セイレーン ~悲壮の竪琴~ EXH 17 7193 -101 98.62%
Dyscontrolled Galaxy EXH 17 6306 -169 97.39%
冥 Rockin' SWING REMIX EXH 16 6227 -44 99.3%
Iterator EXH 10 2757 -27 99.03%
Deadly force EXH 17 4694 -53 98.88%
FIN4LE ~終止線の彼方へ~ EXH 18 5954 -176 97.13%
Grandeur EXH 16 4654 -46 99.02%
Avalanx EXH 17 6666 -110 98.38%
good high school EXH 8 2677 0 100.0%
PUPA EXH 16 5770 -69 98.82%
jet coaster☆girl sasakure.UK tRiCkStAr Remix EXH 9 2634 -3 99.89%
dilemma EXH 10 2718 -12 99.56%
とある少年の一日 EXH 12 3404 -30 99.13%
Legendary Road EXH 16 6118 -18 99.71%
ナナイロ EXH 10 3714 -28 99.25%
バタフライキャット EXH 13 3791 -11 99.71%