
72me さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1673件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▲ EX Score MAX- %
ANGER of the GOD EXH 17 7318 -10 99.86%
Record one's Dream MXM 17 6313 -32 99.5%
Poison AND÷OR Affection MXM 17 5990 -6 99.9%
FREEDOM DiVE EXH 17 7151 -16 99.78%
患部で止まってすぐ溶ける ~ 狂気の優曇華院 INF 17 6488 -15 99.77%
ケロ⑨destiny HVN 17 6058 -6 99.9%
イカサマライフゲイム HVN 17 6317 -7 99.89%
ARISE EXH 17 5095 -9 99.82%
プリュネシエル MXM 17 5953 -20 99.67%
[E] MXM 17 5612 -15 99.73%
WICKeD CRφSS MXM 17 5131 -26 99.5%
Jailbreaker MXM 17 6031 -29 99.52%
MA・TSU・RI MXM 17 4830 -7 99.86%
odds and ends GRV 17 5150 -7 99.86%
Wheel HVN 17 5369 -12 99.78%
カミサマネジマキ GRV 17 4960 -32 99.36%
Allegro Saetta EXH 17 5574 -17 99.7%
Gate of Atlantis (Vocal ∞ Mix) MXM 17 7244 -15 99.79%
アルファ・スカイ MXM 17 6169 -11 99.82%
The setting sun(burst) MXM 17 3578 0 100.0%
Colorful Magical Parade MXM 17 4686 -12 99.74%
Spectacular“V”Adventure! EXH 17 5968 -15 99.75%
Glory of Fighters EXH 17 5102 -31 99.4%
CLAMARE EXH 17 6498 -18 99.72%
ピアノ協奏曲第1番”蠍火” EXH 17 4740 -16 99.66%