
kaneko さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2540件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
eternite EXH 16 4873 -4 99.92%
eternite MXM 18 6718 -5 99.93%
eternita EXH 16 4564 -2 99.96%
empty MXM 17 6188 -3 99.95%
eighth-slave MXM 18 7424 -9 99.88%
eighth-slave EXH 16 4626 -4 99.91%
eastward -sdvx edit- EXH 16 5174 0 100.0%
eXtridia MXM 17 5439 -5 99.91%
dreamin' of u MXM 16 5311 -3 99.94%
dreamin' feat.Ryu☆ XCD 17 4917 -5 99.9%
dreamin' feat.Ryu☆ EXH 13 3727 0 100.0%
dream control EXH 11 3320 0 100.0%
draw!!!! EXH 12 3590 0 100.0%
disordered asia MXM 16 4759 -2 99.96%
disco KAWAii EXH 14 4428 0 100.0%
dilemma EXH 10 2730 0 100.0%
crêpe suzette EXH 16 5629 0 100.0%
crossing blue MXM 18 8210 -4 99.95%
crossing blue EXH 16 6412 -12 99.81%
cross the future EXH 17 5535 -1 99.98%
croiX EXH 16 5549 -28 99.5%
croiX INF 18 7238 -6 99.92%
crescent moon EXH 13 3506 0 100.0%
crazy cinema story EXH 16 4762 -10 99.79%
crazy cinema story XCD 18 6781 -19 99.72%