
ogawa_brother さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1981件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- ▼ %
Fegrix EXH 16 5052 -86 98.33%
Addicted Moon MXM 16 6574 -86 98.71%
テレポーテーションでやってきた彼とのその後の顛末 MXM 16 5440 -86 98.44%
TRICKL4SH 220 EXH 16 4822 -86 98.25%
水月鏡花のコノテーション EXH 15 4828 -86 98.25%
極夜、暁を望んで EXH 16 5471 -86 98.45%
Air EXH 16 6105 -86 98.61%
Laughin' Muffin EXH 16 4878 -86 98.27%
TrailBlazer GRV 16 5286 -86 98.4%
taboo tears you up 2008 EXH 15 4465 -86 98.11%
fancy cake!! MXM 16 5075 -86 98.33%
Scream out! (SDVX EDIT) EXH 16 5572 -86 98.48%
2 Beasts Unchained EXH 17 5074 -85 98.35%
The Clown of 24stairs EXH 17 5668 -85 98.52%
恋愛♡悪戯!?まじかる☆ぱふゅ~む!! EXH 16 4878 -85 98.29%
Pixelated Platform MXM 17 5511 -85 98.48%
Circulator MXM 17 4417 -85 98.11%
Believe (y)our Wings {GRA5P WAVES} MXM 17 6477 -85 98.7%
REDO the NIGHT GRV 18 7281 -85 98.85%
ビビットストリーム MXM 16 4881 -85 98.29%
PIERROT KNIfE MXM 17 6289 -85 98.67%
ペタ靴と憂夜リムーバー MXM 17 4207 -85 98.02%
Little princess has no identity. EXH 17 6020 -85 98.61%
PUNISHER EXH 16 5090 -85 98.36%
音楽 -壊音楽 mix- EXH 17 4195 -85 98.01%