
tails_j さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2977件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▲ EX Score MAX- %
c2Theater EXH 15 4343 -10 99.77%
Wings of Glory EXH 15 5140 -2 99.96%
ЯegreT of MemoRy EXH 15 3937 -1 99.97%
Finally Dive EXH 15 4075 -7 99.83%
Chocolate Planet EXH 15 4855 -9 99.81%
Aragami EXH 15 4777 -10 99.79%
Battle Against a True Hero / 本物のヒーローとの戦い EXH 15 3547 -2 99.94%
SAVE the World EXH 15 3699 -11 99.7%
Memory Flow EXH 15 4230 -16 99.62%
Go↓Go↑Girls&Boys! EXH 15 4731 -10 99.79%
ECHIDNA EXH 15 4530 -15 99.67%
夢幻泡影 EXH 15 4032 -15 99.63%
-約束- EXH 15 5246 -26 99.51%
macaron EXH 15 5554 -5 99.91%
無魎大数 EXH 15 4750 -9 99.81%
Poison Blood EXH 15 5230 -19 99.64%
蟲の棲む処 EXH 15 3708 -9 99.76%
Nexta EXH 15 4921 -10 99.8%
曾根崎心中 EXH 15 4429 -13 99.71%
伊邪那美白山姫大神 EXH 15 6478 -9 99.86%
仙酌絶唱のファンタジア EXH 15 5047 -15 99.7%
vivid landscape EXH 15 3772 -18 99.53%
odds and ends EXH 15 4052 -14 99.66%
GOODTEK EXH 15 4677 -17 99.64%
take a step forward EXH 15 5646 -42 99.26%