
tails_j さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2977件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▼ EX Score MAX- %
You Know-SDVX EDIT- EXH 16 4785 -8 99.83%
Your SOUL Is Mine EXH 16 4457 -17 99.62%
Venomous Firefly EXH 16 5249 -40 99.24%
チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室 INF 16 6067 -18 99.7%
Angelic Jelly EXH 16 4861 -4 99.92%
Nebulas EXH 16 4399 -15 99.66%
Grand Chariot EXH 16 5528 -15 99.73%
rainbow flyer -gratitude remix- EXH 16 4900 -16 99.67%
Snowmelt EXH 16 5174 -34 99.35%
AIM HIGHER EXH 16 4360 -23 99.48%
croiX EXH 16 5528 -49 99.12%
Absurd Gaff EXH 16 4960 -28 99.44%
Adansonia MXM 16 4989 -13 99.74%
Hurt me plenty EXH 16 4679 -23 99.51%
ウエンレラの氷華 EXH 16 6129 -20 99.67%
Root Consciousness MXM 16 5107 -14 99.73%
Monkey Business(Band Edit.) EXH 16 5742 -55 99.05%
双翼 - Black Wings - SDVX Edit. - EXH 16 5462 -8 99.85%
ouroboros -twin stroke of the end- EXH 16 6245 -15 99.76%
moon MXM 16 5611 -9 99.84%
PANIC HOLIC EXH 16 5173 -26 99.5%
Ray HVN 16 5504 -6 99.89%
Fegrix EXH 16 5126 -12 99.77%
Tomorrow Perfume (C-Show Remix) EXH 16 4952 -19 99.62%
Hug!! Vs. Hug!! EXH 16 4085 -13 99.68%