
pont4 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1754件
曲名 ▲ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
We Go Down MXM 18 6639 -238 96.54%
Wheel EXH 16 4604 -77 98.36%
Wheel HVN 17 5283 -98 98.18%
Whip☆Drip MXM 17 5969 -96 98.42%
Wings of Glory MXM 18 6946 -205 97.13%
Wings to fly high MXM 18 7339 -187 97.52%
Wish upon Twin Stars EXH 17 6206 -85 98.65%
Wish upon Twin Stars GRV 18 7663 -303 96.2%
Witch in Sweetsland EXH 17 6707 -167 97.57%
With It This Heaven? MXM 18 6994 -148 97.93%
WobbleTangleFestival EXH 13 3539 -52 98.55%
World of Iris VVD 18 5504 -90 98.39%
World of Iris EXH 16 3957 -18 99.55%
World's end EXH 18 6064 -309 95.15%
Wuv U (Colorful QT3 nekomix) EXH 16 5056 -40 99.22%
Wuv U -More2 HAPPY Re-Mix Special- EXH 15 4723 -50 98.95%
XHAOS JUDGE EXH 18 7210 -303 95.97%
XHRONOXAPSULΞ EXH 18 5959 -291 95.34%
XHRONOXAPSULΞ MXM 20 6802 -681 90.9%
XROSS INFECTION GRV 19 6777 -291 95.88%
XROSS INFECTION EXH 17 5992 -118 98.07%
XROSS THE XOUL GRV 18 7408 -250 96.74%
XXanadu#climaXX MXM 18 7257 -165 97.78%
Xb10r EXH 17 6299 -112 98.25%
Xb10r MXM 19 7980 -501 94.09%