
qpalzm さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1709件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Wheel HVN 17 5352 -29 99.46%
What an amazing swing MXM 17 5901 -27 99.54%
Welcome to the Mosh Pit MXM 18 6109 -40 99.35%
We Go Down MXM 18 6795 -82 98.81%
We Are GamerZ! MXM 18 7238 -43 99.41%
We Are All The Dreamer MXM 18 4605 -23 99.5%
Warriors Aboot EXH 18 6191 -33 99.47%
WWW MXM 17 4597 -5 99.89%
WONDER_WOBBLER MXM 17 6413 -34 99.47%
WINNING ROAD MXM 18 6480 -87 98.68%
WILD FIRE MXM 17 4905 -10 99.8%
WICKeD CRφSS MXM 17 5111 -46 99.11%
WHITEOUT EXH 18 7581 -87 98.87%
WHITEOUT MXM 20 8954 -396 95.76%
VΛZiLiSQ EXH 17 6050 -25 99.59%
VΛZiLiSQ MXM 19 8311 -127 98.49%
Voynich:Manuscript EXH 17 5955 -49 99.18%
Voltage Higher MXM 17 5939 -43 99.28%
Voice 7 Voice!!!!!!! MXM 18 5486 -66 98.81%
Voice 2 Voice n Voice MXM 17 4878 -27 99.45%
Vividly Impromptu MXM 18 6349 -64 99.0%
Virtual to LIVE MXM 17 5552 -10 99.82%
Virtual Sunrise EXH 15 4790 -19 99.6%
Virtual Bit EXH 17 5495 -28 99.49%