
yuemufriends さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2498件
曲名 ▲ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
White Stream MXM 18 7478 -89 98.82%
White Stream EXH 16 4950 -13 99.74%
Wings of Glory MXM 18 7073 -78 98.91%
Wings to fly high EXH 16 5909 -14 99.76%
Wings to fly high MXM 18 7453 -73 99.03%
Wish upon Twin Stars GRV 18 7854 -112 98.59%
Witch in Sweetsland EXH 17 6790 -84 98.78%
With It This Heaven? MXM 18 7001 -141 98.03%
WobbleTangleFestival EXH 13 3584 -7 99.81%
World Vertex GRV 16 5876 -9 99.85%
World Vertex EXH 14 4582 -17 99.63%
World of Iris VVD 18 5553 -41 99.27%
World's end XCD 19 7534 -287 96.33%
World's end EXH 18 6215 -158 97.52%
Wuv U (Colorful QT3 nekomix) EXH 16 5065 -31 99.39%
Wuv U -More2 HAPPY Re-Mix Special- EXH 15 4770 -3 99.94%
Wuv U(pico/ustic rmx) EXH 16 5024 -15 99.7%
XHAOS JUDGE EXH 18 7405 -108 98.56%
XHRONOXAPSULΞ MXM 20 6946 -537 92.82%
XHRONOXAPSULΞ EXH 18 6117 -133 97.87%
XROSS INFECTION EXH 17 6052 -58 99.05%
XROSS INFECTION GRV 19 6931 -137 98.06%
XROSS THE XOUL EXH 16 5117 -11 99.79%
XROSS THE XOUL GRV 18 7624 -34 99.56%
XXanadu#climaXX MXM 18 7367 -55 99.26%